0.5 mil (12.7 micron) film produced using a grooved-feed extruder at a rate of 225 lb/h with a stalk height of 7 x Die Diameter, a 4:1 Blow-Up Ratio (BUR), a 6 inch die diameter and a 0.040 inch die gap. The nominal properties reported herein are representative of the product under these processing conditions, although film properties can vary depending on the specific film-blowing conditions. Therefore, the data should not be used for specification purposes.
Before using this product, the user is advised and cautioned to make its own determination and assessment of the safety and suitability of the product for the specific use in question and is further advised against relying on the information containedherein as it may relate to any specific use or application. It is the ultimate responsibility of the user to ensure that the product is suited and the information is applicable to the user's specific application. Chevron Phillips Chemical Company LP does not make, and expressly disclaims, all warranties, including warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose,regardless of whether oral or written, express or implied, or allegedly arising from any usage of any trade or from any course of dealing in connection with the use of the information contained herein or the product itself. The user expressly assumes all risk and liability, whether based in contract, tort or otherwise, in connection with the use of the information contained herein or the product itself. Further, information contained herein is given without reference to any intellectual property issues, as well as federal, state or local laws which may be encountered in the use thereof. Such questions should be investigated by the user.